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Opening hours, drink prices and entrance fee/cover charge last updated/reviewed:

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Frequently asked questions (FaQs)

Getting to 2648 is super easy. If you are driving a car, we recommend you leave your car at the hotel as going on foot is much more convenient. Here is the address/meeting point:

14A Trinity St, Cambridge CB2 1TB, UK. Google map it: 2648

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We endeavour to provide the most up-to-date opening schedule but this is indicative only. Opening times (Business hours) depend on local bank holidays or the venue's event schedule. The opening hours for 2648 are the following:

Day Opening - Closing at
Monday 05:00 PM - 01:00 AM⁺¹
Tuesday 05:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Wednesday 05:00 PM - 01:00 AM⁺¹
Thursday 05:00 PM - 01:00 AM⁺¹
Friday 05:00 PM - 01:00 AM⁺¹
Saturday 05:00 PM - 01:00 AM⁺¹
Sunday Closed
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The minimum age is usually 18 years-old but it might vary based on the event. It also possible that the age cap varies for girls and boys. We recommend you double-check before visiting 2648 or purchasing your tickets

Please have a valid ID, passport or driver license when you attend the venue. If you hold a piece of ID (other than passport) from a non-western country you might want to use your passport instead to make sure it is recognised and deemed legit by the bouncers.

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There are 3 form of ID's that will guarantee you entry into 2648 and are as follows:

  • National ID card
  • Driving License
  • Passport

Photocopies or screenshots of the above might be accepted but remains at the discretion of the bouncers.

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Tickets can be purchased at the door (On the day), unless the event is sold out or capped. We recommend to buy your tickets online and in advance to avoid any disappointment so you are guaranteed entry. Generally the entrance fee (cover charge) is higher at the door and on weekends.

Here is a typical entry price range you can expect: Free

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2648 offers a variety of drinks from plain water, chilled beers and of course delicious cocktails. If you are on a budget, here is a list of typical drink prices to be expected at 2648:

Price of WaterFree (tap water)
Price of Beers£4-5
Price of Cocktails/Mixers£7-9
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2648's dress code is Smart. It is recommended to abide by this dress code to maximise your chances of entering the venue. In case you need to drop a bag or any other item of clothing the venues has no cloakroom available, so plan accordingly and think about dressing light. The cloakroom item should be no bigger than a rucksack or a handbag. Large suitcase or trekking backpack will not be accepted.

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2648's mainly play the following music genres across 1 dance floor(s). Here is a list:

  • Commercial
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You can find official photos about 2648 on their social media platform like Facebook or Instagram or even their website here is a list of their socials:

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Oops! We endeavour to provide you with the best possible answers to help you plan your party in 2648. If you got unlisted questions for our party experts or want to report some inaccuracies, feel free to do drop us a message via our Contact Form

We strive to reply all messages under 24 hours.

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